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Midnight Magic

Tumble into a menacing vortex where violence–and love–are the only way out.

Despite two powerful parents, the magic gene bypassed Cassie. Too bad because she could use an edge. Her mother, a world-renowned psychic, is stuck behind a supernatural veil. Not dead, but not exactly alive either, she hasn’t spoken in almost a year.

Enter Tyler, a cheap mage with magic of his own. He pretended to love Cassie, but all he wanted was to snatch up her mother’s clients. Cassie’s been trying to get him out of her house for months. When she upped the ante, he threatened to leverage dark magic against her—and her mother. Cassie’s plenty scared, but she’s not ready to ask for help. Not yet, anyway.

Jeremy’s loved Cassie forever, but his magical order forbids coupling with mortals. A serious clash with Irichna demons finally buys him a different answer. He’s known what Tyler is from the beginning, but Cassie ignored his warnings. Fresh from the demon battle, he uses his scrying pool to check on her. What he sees sends him racing to her side. No matter if she returns his love or not, time’s about to run out for her, and he can’t let that happen.

This novella also includes generous samples from two of my other books, I do hope you enjoy them!

Click here for a sample.

About Ann

I'm basically a mountaineer at heart. I remember many hours at my desk where my body may have been stuck inside four walls, but my soul was planning yet one more trip to the backcountry. There's a timeless element to the mountains. They feel like old friends as I visit them, and visit them again. There's nothing like standing on a remote pass where I've been before and seeing that the vista is unchanged. Or on an equally remote peak. Mountains are the bones of the world. They'll prevail long after all of us are dust. It feels honest and humbling to share space with them. I hope I'm blessed with many more years to wander the local landscape. The memories are incomparable. They warm me and help me believe there will be something left for our children and their children after them.

Contact Ann

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