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Warped Line, Cataclysm Book Two

Release date: 5/26

I chose stasis—a long sleep—for me and two of mine. Hard to time these things, but we woke in the eye of a cyclone.

 When I went to sleep—to avoid being drained of magic and blood by dark Sorcerers—Vampires weren’t exactly on the endangered species list, but not many of us are left. No one ever accepted us. Not mortals and not others with power, either. At least one of those dams has developed a few cracks. Supernaturals aren’t quite welcoming, but they’ll take help from any quarter.

Mortals have declared war on magic, and they won’t rest until we’re all sitting in iron-clad prisons. What a bunch of cowards. If they weren’t hiding behind false humanitarian walls, they’d be honest about their intentions and kill us outright if they could.

The world turned into an alien place while I slept. Not much point returning to my clan house in Italy. It’s probably long since disbanded. Besides, fate tossed me squarely in Ariana’s path. She’s like me, a Vampire, but I hunger for her in a very un-Vampirelike way.

She’s done her damnedest to chase me away, but I’m tough to dissuade. She doesn’t know it, but I won’t back off until she’s mine.

No matter what it takes.


About Ann

I'm basically a mountaineer at heart. I remember many hours at my desk where my body may have been stuck inside four walls, but my soul was planning yet one more trip to the backcountry. There's a timeless element to the mountains. They feel like old friends as I visit them, and visit them again. There's nothing like standing on a remote pass where I've been before and seeing that the vista is unchanged. Or on an equally remote peak. Mountains are the bones of the world. They'll prevail long after all of us are dust. It feels honest and humbling to share space with them. I hope I'm blessed with many more years to wander the local landscape. The memories are incomparable. They warm me and help me believe there will be something left for our children and their children after them.

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